Western Migration Conference Series | Western University


"Taking Stock of a Turbulent Decade and Looking Ahead: Immigration to North America 2000-2010", April 28-30, 2011, London, Ontario, Canada

This website hosts conference information for the Western Migration Conference Series, hosted by the Western Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations. Check out the presentations from our 2011 conference "Taking Stock of a Turbulent Decade and Looking Ahead: Immigration to North American 2000-2010", or check back as new information comes in about our 2013 conference!

Presentation Update: The presentation schedule from the 2011 conference is available below. Please browse the contents to see powerpoint presentations, posters, abstracts, and more information on everyone who presented at the 2011 conference.

Any questions should be directed to: Julianna Beaudoin

Browse the contents of Western Migration Conference Series:

Taking Stock of a Turbulent Decade and Looking Ahead: Immigration to North America 2000-2010